26 June 2005

Life is easier if you make corrections as you sail, and that is how I ran my ship until my spouse became such an opposing wind and still I sailed bravely into the wind, fought and fought for each mile of progress, or even just stillness, to not lose ground, and it became exhausting the constant sailing against the wind so i stopped, thinking that without my fighting it, for lack of resistance, the wind would die down, but instead it grew to gale force—it took over and battered my ship and pushed and pushed me off course and I let my ship just spin, no longer knowing or caring.

Well now I am taking stock, and evaluating the direction I wish to head and it involves such a major change in course it is painful and stunning, but once I feel that breeze, and how happily my ship sails when it is going where it belongs to go, perhaps I shall feel right at last.

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