16 December 2005

I have known people who let go
and trusted another trapeze bar would show up
as they are in midair.

I have known people to take one small step in a new direction--and one more after that.

I have known people to plant seeds. Some grow, some don’t, some are a surprise years later.

I have known people out of fear to dig in deeper, to hide from change only to have change fall in on them like a meteorite through the roof.

I have known people to slowly smother in a closed house. An open window all that was needed.

I have known people to die happy. I have known people to die afraid.

You might do something different today.
Look at your spouse, your teacher, your child, your friend with open eyes instead of grunting, obeying, ordering.
Call someone you’ve never called.
Listen to a radio station that speaks in a language foreign to you.
If you like to talk--be quiet today. If you don’t talk much--say something.
Park in a new spot.
Wear a color you never wear.
Practice your waving hand.
Walk around your house/apartment and see what grows and lives outdoors around you.
Sing the very first song you remember.

I don’t know the answer to your question, but maybe you do.

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