I don’t know why a reptile falling on my head would give me a sense of optimism, but it did. I mean really, how many people can say that happened to them today?
On the north side of the yard along the fence lined by trees, I felt something fall in my hair. I thought it was a stick, but as I brushed it off, it felt odd and it felt odd because it was alive. A black snake or lizard, I couldn’t tell for sure, it burrowed quickly under leaves.
Mosquitos continue to love me—I’m scratching a bite as I type single-handed.
I met my first grand-nephew yesterday, just turned 7 weeks old. He likes gazing at ceiling fans and lampshades. I woke up thinking about him—I guess he made an impression on me.
The first bloom of a purple double-trumpet datura with a long story behind it opened yesterday.
And yesterday, I think it was a barred owl hooting at dawn.
The sun rose today in a nacreous silver sky, and set in a sky that had great depth, as though one was looking across a burning sea.
There’s either a barking gecko or a chirping frog outside my window right now—the local newspaper naturalist has written of both of late, leaning more now toward the frog theory.
Pecans are falling everywhere. I found the first one of the season, oddly, under an oak. I suspect a squirrel got distracted.
I have to post this bad photo. Does anyone know what these are? Close up, each dot looks like a tiny white egg or larva suspended atop a hair attached to the window.
The nephew’s going to have lots of stuff to investigate once he finds his legs…
The spiral of white dots is still there. There is the possibility that it's vegetable, not animal. Spores or something...
I swear at 5:45pm this evening a green lizard fell off the top of our ill fitting front screen door on.. to.. my.. head.
Scared it more than scared me; but only because I've walked into soooooooo many spiny orb weavers in the last few weeks.
Well. I do appreciate the smile and your reflection. Thanks, and take good care-
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