18 November 2007

Something new under construction.
I don’t know what it is yet (!) but will report back at a later date.
Meanwhile, I’m so thankful for the people in my life. I’m so thankful for you.


Anonymous said...

At our C)entral T)exas A)miga C)omputer S)ociety meeting this evening we each read and discussed "Spring and Fall, to a Young Child"

linda said...

That's intriguing-how'd that come about? How beautiful! thanks for writing-

Anonymous said...

Austin poet, John Berry, some of whose works I have copies of, turns out to be an Amiga computer owner.

He is inactive, but I happened upon his new day job at Kinko's on N.Burnet. Fed Ex is pretty much on my way to work. So I thought to up the ante on my efforts to get him active once more.

I had at most 1 Hopkins poem in my high school education. 30 years ago Carol showed me a poem or two of his. Then your missive (blogive?). A quick reading got me nowhere (or too many wheres) so I decided it would be the extra "come-on" for the meeting. I included the poem along with the blurb for our meeting time and dropped it off to him at work. Of course he was ecstatic... I had to bring him down so he'd get back to work!

I took another copy to the meeting. John did not make it (lame excuse via email about not knowing WHERE to meet!), but a sworn promise to make the next meeting.

So this group of non-English majors pored over the poem. We ultimately decided we were trying to take riffs in too big a chunk (like one always seems to with Shakespeare soliloquies). We were down to 2 to 3 words at a time when something else drew our attention away.

However, each of the 7 of us read it and made a comment or two.

It will come up again when John *does* come to a meeting.


linda said...

I want to be a fly on the wall at your next meeting...

grizia said...

I sow uour blog, I like it. I lake fhotos, Idon't speack english, but I like some words that I anderstood.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting, and thank you for writing!