21 February 2006

~sut nam~
(meaning: ~truth name~
~truth is my name~
~truth is my identity~)

This mantra a part of yoga today.

A simple message that I usually accept simply.

Today I wasn’t so easily satisfied.

Even just looking at this blog--the content is as truthful as I can make it at any given moment.

But what goes into the choice of the content?

What are my motives?

And what truths do I elect to leave out?

The biggest problem for me this last quarter century has not been my few untruths, but the truth I kept hidden. Honest in what I had to say, but such large silences. I left out so much about myself in my interactions that who could know the truth about me?

Sut nam
an ideal for me to strive for, not an accomplishment.

I have thought all day about the birth uncle I never met who passed away this week, and about his sister, his only sibling, my birth mom who has my love and sympathy.

And I got an unexpected phone call from a birth uncle on the paternal side.

Life is rich and complex.

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