11 March 2006

I finally laughed when the front office refused my five-dollar bill to correct an error I’d made on this month’s rent. They wanted a check.

In two days, 6 red flags had popped up regarding money. Some my fault, some not. Some big, some not. My mantra over the last few months--it’s about love, not money--was sorely kicked around. It scared me.

Now I think the flags are just a test of my conviction.

In school we were taught God is love. We were also taught unbaptized babies and well-behaved heathen were sent to limbo for eternity, not heaven. We were taught a person who missed Mass on Sunday and died before making it to confession would go to hell.

Even in second grade I could see that a loving God doesn’t send people to hell for missing Mass. These were incompatible teachings. I held on to the premise God is Love; I rejected the limbo and the stadium seats in hell for Mass-missers.

I’ve tried to stick with God is love in my freestyle fashion. Whenever I have focused on love, on light--the rest--including money--has fallen into place. Love is magnetic north and all the rest is distraction.

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