02 May 2006

We sat downtown on a patio surrounded by prickly pear in yellow bloom. The lowering sun broke through the clouds and lit her white blonde hair, and I saw just how much this meeting held.

It took a lot to get there. Dorm buddy from college years, just here for the day. And I had obligations from one end of the city to the other. But I wanted--very much wanted--to see her.

Earlier in the day, I tangoed with switched computers, broken copiers, having to train others as my own work load increased. I did yoga alone. Meditation broken again and again by thoughts of what else was to come that afternoon.

I made myself stay. Past the thoughts of future, back to now until all was distilled to one thought: Be light.

I kept it in mind in the afternoon, but was not aware of its possibility until I saw her sitting across from me, being so familiar, being light. Holding me in her heart for an hour.

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