15 October 2006

I steeled my heart against missing my kids. They're doing fine.
I steeled my heart against missing our house, our cat.
I steeled my heart against missing those I love in Texas.
I steeled my heart against missing my life as a mom.
I steeled my heart against missing Sundown Ridge, the big quiet sky spangled with stars.

Then, here came the cocky little nuttall's woodpecker, so similar and yet different from the ladderbacked. My eyes betrayed me: they started to weep. I miss the little ladderbacked in our yard in Texas, with his red cap and confidence.

The callouses on the heart serve a purpose, but it's good to know there's something still pulsing under there. Available for quieter times.

Of course, I miss it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I don't know anything about blogs. But I know this one made me cry. I love you and am so sorry for your pain. How can I help?
