23 January 2007

To call for help is never something to be ashamed of. Human beings are social animals. We’re not meant to take care of every little thing on our own. But it’s so hard for some of us to do!

Early in my years of work in a dangerous setting, I found myself mute when a tiny woman immobilized me by grabbing my hair in her fist. After the incident was finally over, I went home and practiced the words, ‘I need some help!’ I was thankful to her. Because of the sore head, I was ready when true crises arose.

So practice your line. Call up a nice firm voice. ‘I need some help!’

Maybe you won’t have to use it. But if you are a human being on this complicated planet, I suspect there will be times that line comes in handy.

1 comment:

linda said...

Hi, George!
Thank you.