11 September 2007

Of course if your data’s wrong or warped, the answer won’t be right no matter how logical the process.

And say when you were young, a cake was baking in the oven, the aroma of vanilla permeating the room. And then a tornado blew in, wreaking noisy hellish havoc in your yard and neighborhood.

Perhaps every time in the future when you smell vanilla-especially when you’re not aware of it-your stomach might clench.

And your intuitions might turn pretty negative on the brightest of days because your body has decided it’s very logical to get worried when vanilla is in the air. So-you might make an intuitive error in judgment here and there on vanilla days.

Still, mistakes are doorways to education and to expanding mutual understanding with others. And sometimes mistakes are doorways to where you’re supposed to go next, to experiences you’d never even know about if you were always right.

Which is a good thing. I’ve made more mistakes in the last two weeks than in the previous two years.

I swear, I used to be right all the time…


Anonymous said...

take heart in knowing that your being inaccurate did no harm and actually brought attention and care that was very necessary. right?


linda said...

Geez, Julie. How do you DO that?!