02 May 2007

I wear magic glasses.

I wore contact lenses from 7th grade through most of adulthood. Then, as my eyes changed and my life changed, I found glasses worth considering again.

I bought a pair with tortoiseshell rims. The kind school teachers and lab techs wear in movies. These frames said, -Yes! I’m wearing glasses!

At first, I wore contacts most of the time, glasses when tired or vulnerable. Then as life grew more choppy, I took to wearing glasses all the time. I hid behind them. My dark-framed lenses—a physical barrier between you and me. They were my don't mess with me glasses. And they were so effective, when my prescription changed, I chose new frames nearly identical to the old.

Some people thought I was joking. -Your glasses aren’t going to keep anyone away, Linda!

But they were wrong. The glasses have been remarkably effective.

I’ve been thinking lately maybe it’s time for a change, though. Something in pink or thin silver wire—or no frames at all, just lenses.

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